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Mudra Chart Pdf

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In Bharatanatyam, the Classical Dance of India, approximately fifty-five root mudras (hand/finger gestures) are used to clearly communicate specific ideas, events, actions, or creatures in which thirty-two require only one hand, and are classified as `Asamyukta Hasta', along with twenty-three other primary mudras which require both hands and are classified as 'Samyukta Hasta.

  1. List Of Mudras And Meanings
  2. Mudra Chart Pdf Converter

The word 'Pran' means life. The practice of Pran Mudra strengthens all the five pranas in our body. Strengthening of immunity is the first position in the list of Pran mudra benefits.

It is useful to increase the pranic energy (vital force) and also enhance immunity and vitality.

  1. Mudra is an ancient Sanskrit term meaning 'gesture.' We use mudras in yoga to cultivate a greater sense of awareness to certain energetic fields within the subtle body. In other words, we can use them to help us meditate and open up our seven main chakras.
  2. Mudra is a Sanskrit term that means ‘a seal' or ‘symbolic gesture'. Hasta mudras are hand gestures which are adopted during Yogic practices to seal and direct the flow of energy within the body. There is a hasta mudra for each chakra and I have been using them for many years now to enhance my chakra meditations. They really help to draw.
  3. In Jin Shin Jyutsu, mudras are finger positions, or poses, which enhance the flow of energy in the body. This chart has eight mudras and includes an original drawing of each mudra, instructions on how to achieve the finger pose, the benefits of each mudra (see detail below), and suggestions on how and when to use them.While the mudras are introduced to the self-help student in Jin Shin Jyutsu.

The practice of this mudra increases Earth element, Water element, Kapha humor and also reduce fire element and Pitta humor.

Other names of Pran mudra

1.Pran Mudra.

Mudra chart pdf files

2.Kapha Karak Mudra.

3.Pitta-nashak Mudra.

4. Prana mudra

How to do Pran Mudra

Join the tips your little finger, ring finger and thumb finger to form Pran mudra. You have to do mudras with both the hands. Look at the picture.

The effects of Prana mudra

The ring finger represents the earth element. The little finger represents the water element. The thumb finger represents the fire element. When you join the tips of the little finger and ring finger with thumb finger the element in that finger increases. The fire element is reduced.
The practice of Pran mudra increases Prithvi element and Jal element. Both these element is the major part of Kapha humor. Kapha Plays a vital role in vitality, strength, and immunity. This mudra decreases Pitta humor. Pitta has a direct impact on bodily temperature.

How Kapha Karak mudra effect on your body?

This mudra brings about an increase of Kapha humor within the body. Kapha humor is associated with vitality, strength and immunity. The practice of Pran mudra increases these qualities. This mudra also reduces Pitta humour, which is associated with bodily heat and metabolism. Thus, this mudra is excellent for people who have an excess of Pitta or a deficiency of Kapha in their bodies. They can regularly do this mudra even to avert illness. On the other hand, people with a Kapha excess or pitta deficiency should do this mudra in moderation only.

Pran mudra benefits

Prana mudra is useful to overcome the conditions given below;

  • General debility
  • Low endurance
  • Impaired immunity
  • Anger
  • Irritability
  • Jealousness
  • Pride
  • Impatience
  • The usual sense of time urgency
  • Forgetfulness.
  • Intolerance of heat
  • Stress, and noise
  • Ailments which get worse in summer
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism (weight –loss despite having a good appetite)
  • Inflammatory disorders (diseases ending with ‘it is')
  • Sleeplessness; light disturbed sleep
  • High blood pressure
  • Atherosclerosis(hardening and narrowing of arteries)
  • Burning in the mouth, throat, stomach
  • Aphthous ulcers
  • Acidity
  • Ulcerative colitis, Loose
  • Bloody stools
  • Dysentery
  • Scanty, burning urination
  • Excessive, foul-smelling perspiration
  • Excessive, painful menses
  • Red-hot joints
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Instability of joints
  • Burning, red, dry eyes; cataract
  • Dry, red, hot, ageing, skin; skin-rashes
  • Urticaria
  • Leprosy
  • Dry, sparse, grey hair,
  • Jaundice
  • Premature ageing,
    disorders caused by a deficiency of earth and water elements within the body.


Thirty to Forty-five minutes of regular practice is enough to get the maximum benefits of Pran mudra. You can practice it at any time or any position . But in the morning hours is the best time and you may take breaks in between the forty-five minutes of practice.

It is better that If you practice Vata nashak mudra combined with this mudra.


If you are a Kapha excess person, the do this mudra in moderation only.

Pran mudra side effects.

It leads to obesity for overweight people. If you have a cold don't practice it.

What are mudras and why are they powerful?

In Sanskrit, mudra means 'seal' or 'sign.' Mudras are hand gestures that act as energy 'seals' and they also position your hands to symbolize different meanings.

The tips of your fingers, crown of your head, and feet are where energy leaves your body. You can practice mudras to take that energy back into your body and channel it instead of allowing it to leave through your fingertips.

The Elements of the Hand

The hand has three gunas, or qualities, and every finger has its own energy and its own elements.

In yogic philosophy the three gunas, fundamental forces, are tamas, rajas, and sattva. They interact to create all of the known Universe (Prakriti), and can be increased or decreased by using mudras.

Sattva manifests as balance, inspiration, and knowledge of what is real. Tamas is a heavy, mindless energy that causes ignorance and inaction. Rajas is the energy of change, manifesting as passion, pain, desire, and effort, and it can lead you to sattva or tamas but is often characterized as attachment to outcomes and unsteadiness.

Your hand has each of these three guna characteristics, and each finger within each guna is associated with an element.

  • Your thumb, associated with the fire or Agni element, is rajasic.
  • Your index finger, associated with air, and your middle finger, associated with space, are tamasic.
  • Your ring finger, associated with earth, and your pinky, associated with water, are satvic.

You can learn more about the elements and get cards for each element in Zenned Out's Goddess Discovery Book.

A Mudra for Everything

You can use mudras to increase or decrease the gunas and specific elements. Whatever you need in your life, there is a mudra for it! The list below shares some great mudras to get started with, some of which you might already be familiar with, and many of which balance all five elements.

Jnana Mudra

Use this mudra to balance fire and air, connect to your higher self, clear stagnant energy, and create openness to receiving inner and divine guidance.

Rest your palms facing up on top of your thighs or knees and tuck the tip of your index finger under the tip of your thumb. Your middle, ring, and pinky fingers remain lightly extended.

Anjali Mudra

If you've ever been to a yoga class, you know this mudra. It is done by simply connecting your palms in prayer hands in front of your heart chakra.

Anjali mudra is commonly used to close and sometimes open a class, because it is a gesture of offering from the heart. It's a literal connection of your hands, symbolizing one of the key principles of yoga: union. It connects the right and left sides of your brain, and the right and left or feminine and masculine energies in your body.

Kashyapa Mudra

Do you ever spend time with a friend who has a bad attitude, and feel yourself being lowered to her frequency? Do you ever feel yourself absorbing the energy of somebody else's bad day?

This is the mudra you need to protect your energy. Kashyapa mudra balances and grounds you while creating a seal against negative energy.

To use this mudra, make a fist with the tip of your thumb between your middle and ring fingers.

Shankhavarta Mudra

Shankhavarta mudra is the mudra of inner wisdom. When you're struggling to differentiate between the voices of your highest self and fear or ego, use this mudra to find clarity and connect with your inner guidance.

Start with your palms in Anjali mudra and, keeping your fingertips connected, press your palms away from each other to form a triangle with the base as your connected thumbs. Then release your right index finger and allow it to relax toward the center of the triangle your hands have formed.

Yoni Mudra

I like to think of yoni mudra as the goddess mudra. Use it to quiet your mind, connect to your divine feminine energy, and call on the energy of the goddesses.

Bring your palms together, fingers pointing down. Open your palms up into an upside-down triangle with your thumbs as the base. Then turn your pinky, ring, and middle fingers in so that the backs of the fingers are touching and thumbs are pointing slightly upward.

Shunya Mudra

Shunya means 'empty.' This mudra balances fire and space to help you open and expand to clear throat chakra blockages and release the limiting beliefs of your ego.

Hold the palm of your hand open and bend your middle finger to gently press into the ball of your thumb. Bend your thumb so that it presses into your middle finger and extend your other fingers. Then try it with your other hand!

Use this mudra to clear away energetic blockages holding you back from abundance, and open yourself to receiving.

Padma Mudra

This mudra, also known as the lotus mudra, resembles a lotus flower blossoming open.

You know the phrase 'no mud, no lotus.' The mudra reminds you that the lotus has moved through the mud and risen above it to blossom.

Start with your hands together at heart center in Anjali mudra. Keeping the base of your hands, pinky fingers, and thumbs together, allow the rest of your fingers to blossom open.

Use this mudra to balance fire and water, open your heart chakra to love, compassion, and gratitude, and to remind you of the peace and wholeness you already possess within.

Buddhi Mudra

If you need help accessing your inner guidance and understanding intuitive messages, use Buddhi mudra to balance fire and water. Simply touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of your pinky finger while holding your other three fingers straight.

Samputa Mudra

Mudra hand positions and meanings

Do you ever have those days where you just feel off? You don't feel like yourself, and maybe your mind is spinning instead of being focused and calm. On those days, use Samputa mudra to find mental and emotional clarity, connect to your true self, and balance all five elements.

Bring your palms together at heart center. Hollow out a small space between your hands, keeping the tips of your fingers connected, and tuck your thumbs into that hollow space.

Garuda Mudra


2.Kapha Karak Mudra.

3.Pitta-nashak Mudra.

4. Prana mudra

How to do Pran Mudra

Join the tips your little finger, ring finger and thumb finger to form Pran mudra. You have to do mudras with both the hands. Look at the picture.

The effects of Prana mudra

The ring finger represents the earth element. The little finger represents the water element. The thumb finger represents the fire element. When you join the tips of the little finger and ring finger with thumb finger the element in that finger increases. The fire element is reduced.
The practice of Pran mudra increases Prithvi element and Jal element. Both these element is the major part of Kapha humor. Kapha Plays a vital role in vitality, strength, and immunity. This mudra decreases Pitta humor. Pitta has a direct impact on bodily temperature.

How Kapha Karak mudra effect on your body?

This mudra brings about an increase of Kapha humor within the body. Kapha humor is associated with vitality, strength and immunity. The practice of Pran mudra increases these qualities. This mudra also reduces Pitta humour, which is associated with bodily heat and metabolism. Thus, this mudra is excellent for people who have an excess of Pitta or a deficiency of Kapha in their bodies. They can regularly do this mudra even to avert illness. On the other hand, people with a Kapha excess or pitta deficiency should do this mudra in moderation only.

Pran mudra benefits

Prana mudra is useful to overcome the conditions given below;

  • General debility
  • Low endurance
  • Impaired immunity
  • Anger
  • Irritability
  • Jealousness
  • Pride
  • Impatience
  • The usual sense of time urgency
  • Forgetfulness.
  • Intolerance of heat
  • Stress, and noise
  • Ailments which get worse in summer
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism (weight –loss despite having a good appetite)
  • Inflammatory disorders (diseases ending with ‘it is')
  • Sleeplessness; light disturbed sleep
  • High blood pressure
  • Atherosclerosis(hardening and narrowing of arteries)
  • Burning in the mouth, throat, stomach
  • Aphthous ulcers
  • Acidity
  • Ulcerative colitis, Loose
  • Bloody stools
  • Dysentery
  • Scanty, burning urination
  • Excessive, foul-smelling perspiration
  • Excessive, painful menses
  • Red-hot joints
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Instability of joints
  • Burning, red, dry eyes; cataract
  • Dry, red, hot, ageing, skin; skin-rashes
  • Urticaria
  • Leprosy
  • Dry, sparse, grey hair,
  • Jaundice
  • Premature ageing,
    disorders caused by a deficiency of earth and water elements within the body.


Thirty to Forty-five minutes of regular practice is enough to get the maximum benefits of Pran mudra. You can practice it at any time or any position . But in the morning hours is the best time and you may take breaks in between the forty-five minutes of practice.

It is better that If you practice Vata nashak mudra combined with this mudra.


If you are a Kapha excess person, the do this mudra in moderation only.

Pran mudra side effects.

It leads to obesity for overweight people. If you have a cold don't practice it.

What are mudras and why are they powerful?

In Sanskrit, mudra means 'seal' or 'sign.' Mudras are hand gestures that act as energy 'seals' and they also position your hands to symbolize different meanings.

The tips of your fingers, crown of your head, and feet are where energy leaves your body. You can practice mudras to take that energy back into your body and channel it instead of allowing it to leave through your fingertips.

The Elements of the Hand

The hand has three gunas, or qualities, and every finger has its own energy and its own elements.

In yogic philosophy the three gunas, fundamental forces, are tamas, rajas, and sattva. They interact to create all of the known Universe (Prakriti), and can be increased or decreased by using mudras.

Sattva manifests as balance, inspiration, and knowledge of what is real. Tamas is a heavy, mindless energy that causes ignorance and inaction. Rajas is the energy of change, manifesting as passion, pain, desire, and effort, and it can lead you to sattva or tamas but is often characterized as attachment to outcomes and unsteadiness.

Your hand has each of these three guna characteristics, and each finger within each guna is associated with an element.

  • Your thumb, associated with the fire or Agni element, is rajasic.
  • Your index finger, associated with air, and your middle finger, associated with space, are tamasic.
  • Your ring finger, associated with earth, and your pinky, associated with water, are satvic.

You can learn more about the elements and get cards for each element in Zenned Out's Goddess Discovery Book.

A Mudra for Everything

You can use mudras to increase or decrease the gunas and specific elements. Whatever you need in your life, there is a mudra for it! The list below shares some great mudras to get started with, some of which you might already be familiar with, and many of which balance all five elements.

Jnana Mudra

Use this mudra to balance fire and air, connect to your higher self, clear stagnant energy, and create openness to receiving inner and divine guidance.

Rest your palms facing up on top of your thighs or knees and tuck the tip of your index finger under the tip of your thumb. Your middle, ring, and pinky fingers remain lightly extended.

Anjali Mudra

If you've ever been to a yoga class, you know this mudra. It is done by simply connecting your palms in prayer hands in front of your heart chakra.

Anjali mudra is commonly used to close and sometimes open a class, because it is a gesture of offering from the heart. It's a literal connection of your hands, symbolizing one of the key principles of yoga: union. It connects the right and left sides of your brain, and the right and left or feminine and masculine energies in your body.

Kashyapa Mudra

Do you ever spend time with a friend who has a bad attitude, and feel yourself being lowered to her frequency? Do you ever feel yourself absorbing the energy of somebody else's bad day?

This is the mudra you need to protect your energy. Kashyapa mudra balances and grounds you while creating a seal against negative energy.

To use this mudra, make a fist with the tip of your thumb between your middle and ring fingers.

Shankhavarta Mudra

Shankhavarta mudra is the mudra of inner wisdom. When you're struggling to differentiate between the voices of your highest self and fear or ego, use this mudra to find clarity and connect with your inner guidance.

Start with your palms in Anjali mudra and, keeping your fingertips connected, press your palms away from each other to form a triangle with the base as your connected thumbs. Then release your right index finger and allow it to relax toward the center of the triangle your hands have formed.

Yoni Mudra

I like to think of yoni mudra as the goddess mudra. Use it to quiet your mind, connect to your divine feminine energy, and call on the energy of the goddesses.

Bring your palms together, fingers pointing down. Open your palms up into an upside-down triangle with your thumbs as the base. Then turn your pinky, ring, and middle fingers in so that the backs of the fingers are touching and thumbs are pointing slightly upward.

Shunya Mudra

Shunya means 'empty.' This mudra balances fire and space to help you open and expand to clear throat chakra blockages and release the limiting beliefs of your ego.

Hold the palm of your hand open and bend your middle finger to gently press into the ball of your thumb. Bend your thumb so that it presses into your middle finger and extend your other fingers. Then try it with your other hand!

Use this mudra to clear away energetic blockages holding you back from abundance, and open yourself to receiving.

Padma Mudra

This mudra, also known as the lotus mudra, resembles a lotus flower blossoming open.

You know the phrase 'no mud, no lotus.' The mudra reminds you that the lotus has moved through the mud and risen above it to blossom.

Start with your hands together at heart center in Anjali mudra. Keeping the base of your hands, pinky fingers, and thumbs together, allow the rest of your fingers to blossom open.

Use this mudra to balance fire and water, open your heart chakra to love, compassion, and gratitude, and to remind you of the peace and wholeness you already possess within.

Buddhi Mudra

If you need help accessing your inner guidance and understanding intuitive messages, use Buddhi mudra to balance fire and water. Simply touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of your pinky finger while holding your other three fingers straight.

Samputa Mudra

Do you ever have those days where you just feel off? You don't feel like yourself, and maybe your mind is spinning instead of being focused and calm. On those days, use Samputa mudra to find mental and emotional clarity, connect to your true self, and balance all five elements.

Bring your palms together at heart center. Hollow out a small space between your hands, keeping the tips of your fingers connected, and tuck your thumbs into that hollow space.

Garuda Mudra

If you need to be reminded of your personal power and strengthen your solar plexus chakra, Garuda mudra is the mudra for you. This mudra stimulates the fire element, the element of the solar plexus chakra, to energize you and stoke your inner fire.

Autodesk revit 2018 product key and serial number. Hold your hands in front of your with your palms facing your chest. Cross your left hand over right and interlock your thumbs, stretching all of your other fingers out as much as you can.

Ushas Mudra

The Ushas mudra is all about flow and creativity. When you're stuck in a place of trying to force, push, and control where you aren't allowing yourself to open, receive, and follow your inner guidance, use this mudra to get back into flow, connect with your feminine energy, and awaken your sacral chakra, your center of creativity and passion.

To do this mudra, clasp your hands together, interlacing your fingers with your left thumb resting on top.

Kubera Mudra

Kubera mudra, also known as the wealth mudra, is the mudra for attracting a regular flow of abundant energy and material well-being. This mudra balances fire, air, and space and reminds you that if you trust the Universe, you will always have enough and you will always be taken care of.

To use this mudra, touch the tips of your thumb, index, and middle fingers together, and tuck your ring and pinky fingers into the middle of your hand.

Try incorporating some of these mudras into your spiritual practice, whether it's meditation, reiki, yoga, or breath work, and see how they change your energy.

List Of Mudras And Meanings

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Categorised in: chakras, meditation, rituals, symbolism, wellness, yoga

About Eryn Johnson

Mudra Chart Pdf Converter

Eryn Johnson is a breathwork facilitator, tarot reader, and Reiki Master based in Fishtown, Philadelphia. She is also the host of the Living Open podcast for mystics and seekers, a storytelling tool here to help facilitate soul evolution. The foundation of her work is energetic and based on the belief that there's nothing wrong with you- we are simply programmed from a young age to forget the truth of who we are. She uses energy work, storytelling, and breathwork to guide you back to you - your heart, your power, your magic. Find her work at and @erynj_ on Instagram.

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